We are back in Maker space Carinthia with a new and simplified DIY kit for bamboo bike building. Here Oswald is introducing this method in a new documentary film.
Category: Media & Press
Schwetzingen Lastenfahrrad Projekt
Aus Schwetzinger Bambus wird ein Lastenrad gefertigt Initiatoren suchen noch fahrradbegeisterte Mitstreiter für den Bau eines nachhaltigen E-Bikes Schwetzingen und das Fahrrad: Nicht erst seit dem Jubiläum „200 Jahre Drais“ im Jahr 2017 hat die Stadt eine ganz besondere Beziehung zu diesem umweltfreundlichen, zweirädrigen Fortbewegungsmittel. Jetzt wird mit dem Bau eines Lastenrades aus Bambus eine
The Poem
Marshall James Kavanaugh, sits with his mechanical travel typewriter on Church Street in downtown Santa Cruz and writes poems. He has written two poems for the key words “bamboo ” and “bicycle”. They will be as a dedication in the book on Bamboo Bicycles. You can find more about him on: http://dreampoetforhire.tumblr.com/
Smart Energy Bike
Excellent Product Design in Bicycles and E-Bikes The Smart Energy Bike is a DIY project which combines bamboo composite material with the latest bike technologies in a minimalistic and aesthetic frame design. Each material excels at its purpose. Bamboo for strength, vibration absorption and carbon for stiffness. Designed as a part of the 2017 RedBull “Drahtesel”
Smart Energy Bike
Inspired by the shape of a bull and powered by a massive 18 gear pinion drive, this bicycle represents the strength and the spirit of the 2017 Red Bull bike design competition. Celebrating the 200th anniversary of the invention of the bicycle, Red Bull called for an open bike design challenge. Only ten bike concepts were selected
FormAD Meetup
FormAD trifft auf SmartGrass. 🙂 FormAD ist die als Verein organisierte privatwirtschaftliche und bürgerschaftliche Interessenvertretung der Kreativwirtschaft in Heidelberg und der Metropolregion Rhein Neckar. Mehr infos unter: https://formad.de/
Talk im Hirsch
Nach 200 Jahren Fahrrad sollte es genug Stoff geben mal drüber zu reden. Beim Schwetzinger “Talk im Hirsch” (im Palais Hirsch – daher!) sind wir auch eingeladen. Bambus als Fahrradwerkstoff ist ein Thema ! Mehr info unter: Lebe deinen Traum – Geschichten rund ums Rad
Drais and His Followers
German Design Award Nomination
We are honoured to be nominated for the GDA 2017 ! Our E-bamboo bike represents the ideal combination of nature and technology. See more details here.
Life by Bike Magazine
COBI published an article on Smart Grass Bicycles in their e-Magazine “life by bike”. Read more here. Smart Grass is not the typical bike manufacturer. And even though they make unique bamboo bikes, they aren’t typical bamboo bike manufacturers either: they offer bike building workshops so customers can custom build their own bikes and incorporate