The COVID-19 lock down has disrupted a lot of things but we are happy to continue our work on the train the trainer workshop program in the Maker Space Carinthia, Klagenfurt.

The COVID-19 lock down has disrupted a lot of things but we are happy to continue our work on the train the trainer workshop program in the Maker Space Carinthia, Klagenfurt.
Aus Schwetzinger Bambus wird ein Lastenrad gefertigt Initiatoren suchen noch fahrradbegeisterte Mitstreiter für den Bau eines nachhaltigen E-Bikes Schwetzingen und das Fahrrad: Nicht erst seit dem Jubiläum „200 Jahre Drais“ im Jahr 2017 hat die Stadt eine ganz besondere Beziehung zu diesem umweltfreundlichen, zweirädrigen Fortbewegungsmittel. Jetzt wird mit dem Bau eines Lastenrades aus Bambus eine
November 2017 has been a special month for the D-shop team in SAP. This group of enthusiastic makers decided to build a bamboo bike frame for their team building activity. The team consisting of ten people were given a two hour theoretical session where everyone learned the basics of a bicycle frame design and then
Excellent Product Design in Bicycles and E-Bikes The Smart Energy Bike is a DIY project which combines bamboo composite material with the latest bike technologies in a minimalistic and aesthetic frame design. Each material excels at its purpose. Bamboo for strength, vibration absorption and carbon for stiffness. Designed as a part of the 2017 RedBull “Drahtesel”
The idea for a Smart Boo MTB was born during a discussion of two days in Hoh Chi Minh City in February 2017 between Oswald Wieser and James Wolf. By this time James Wolf had not built a bike with Pinion and Oswald was thrilled by the lamination technic of Boo Bicycles producing Bamboo-Carbon-composite-material. So
Alles Bambus oder was? Smart Grass Bicycles ist keine typische Fahrrad-Manufaktur. Und obwohl dort einzigartige Bambusfahrräder hergestellt werden, ist es auch keine typische Bambusrad-Manufaktur. Warum nicht? Weil man bei Smart Grass Bicycles nämlich gar keine Fahrräder kaufen kann, sondern Wissen – genauer gesagt Wissen, das im Rahmen von Workshops vermittelt wird und in denen die
Inspired by the shape of a bull and powered by a massive 18 gear pinion drive, this bicycle represents the strength and the spirit of the 2017 Red Bull bike design competition. Celebrating the 200th anniversary of the invention of the bicycle, Red Bull called for an open bike design challenge. Only ten bike concepts were selected
“Bicycling is a big part of the future. It has to be. There’s something wrong with a society that drives a car to work out in a gym.” ~ Bill Nye
An event organised by SmartGrass in WerkstattSchule show casing showcasing hobby projects bamboo bicycles, Harley Davidson motorcycles and Art ! See more pictures in our flickr page here.